Scenario 4: Synchronization of Custom Fields between Contacts, Customers & Vendors and their Documents and Jobs

The Custom Fields extension enables the possibility to transfer values of a contact, customer, or vendor to the header of their documents, like sales quote and purchase order, or jobs (only for customer).

To set up transferring a custom field (e.g., of type Code) from a customer to the header of a sales quote:

  1. Set up your custom fields for the Sales Header entity as described in Scenario 2.
  2. Choose the Customer as Entity Filter on the Custom Field Definitions page.
  3. Add custom fields and set Copy to S. Header checkbox (sales header) on the fields which should be transferred to the sales quote:

After the configuration is completed, the extension will transfer the values when the customer is used as a sell-to customer in the sales quote.

This same case is applicable for transferring values from vendors to purchase documents, and customers to jobs.

Last update: August 7, 2024