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Scenario 6: Use Custom Fields on Reports and Layouts

It is possible to use the Custom Fields on your reports and layouts.

How to locate the Custom Fields

The Custom Fields field name mentions the original fieldname of the app, and not its own assigned name. You can locate the right fields with the reference of the Type and Field No. of the Custom Field.

In the following example the Custom Fields "Text for Sales Invoice lay-out" (Type = Text; Field No. = 1) refers to field 7026961, WSB Text 1.

How to use the Custom Field

If you are using the standard report (editor) of Business Central you will need to develop a reportextension in a Business Central extension for the report object where you would like to use the custom field as a new column. Add the Custom Fields app as a dependency to the app.json file of your own Business Central extension (e.g., a Per-Tenant Extension (PTE) containing customizations for your environment). After this, the fields can be accessed and added to your custom report object, or to an existing report using a reportextension object. Please see the "Report Extension Object" section of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation for more information.

Alternatively, you can use the "Dataset Extensions" feature of our Document Creator app, which allows you to add any field to your reports' datasets to use them in your Document Creator report layouts, directly from the Business Central client, without any need for creating additional Business Central extensions for this.

Last update: August 7, 2024